Ricardo Brey
Glimpse of Hidden Things, 2014-2015
"Brey thus makes demands of viewers of these boxes, which insist on close personal attention and hands-on contact 'for the work to reveal its chemistry.' The first term of this new commerce is predicated on the pleasures of unwrapping and opening, which couple with the voyeuristic compulsion of peering inside to enounter what is hitherto unseen and as yet unknown. Brey links this to popular wizardry, the conjuring of a rabbit from the magician's hat -a situation in which the space of the revelation is always the same, but what is conjured generally different -and surprising: rabbit, handkerchief, bouquet."
(Welchman, J., Que le importa al Tigre una Raya Más: The Futility of Good Intentions, 2014, p.52.)
Leporello book:
Desde el comienzo, 2014-2015, 24 cm (x 24 cm ) x 310 cm
Untitled, 24 cm ( x 24 cm ) x 456 cm
Read the full text that helped inspire this work here: