Ricardo Brey
"[...] the most valid form of the incarnation of music as a "healing force for the universe" in the work of Ricardo Brey is to be found in the sculpture Wing Beats, dating from 2006. It is composed of different modules, which draw their own respective narratives along behind them, like comet tails. The work comprises an arrangement of gold chains, which have been heaped into a pile on the floor and then wander up the wall in a sweeping line, the form of which reminds one of a sine wave. The installation is crowned by a bird's head, the beak of which provokingly points out from the two-dimensionality of the arrangement. The work plays on a reference in an eighteenth-century text by Anton Josef Kirchweger to the aurea catena Homeri, Homer's golden chain.
(Miessgang, T., Qué le Importa al Tigre una Raya Más: The Futility of Good Intentions, 2014, p. 111.)