Ricardo Brey
Axis Mundi, 2006
“Gloves are gloves. I find them on the street in winter because everyone in Europe loses gloves, they’re in a hurry because of the cold, or I go to the second-hand market and buy a hundred of them for nothing. I collect them. Why? Because gloves are the garment that is most like the human body. A shoe is not like a foot, pants don’t look like legs, but gloves do look like the hand. And the hand has connotations of understanding, power, and intimacy. The glove already had a meaning that I don’t need to add to, even more if the glove has been used, since it has the mark of time. So, when you put together a quantity of gloves, it acquires a totemic character and a mass; the collection becomes an abstract object although it is made of individual items. Right off, people ask questions and a dialogue is created. A glove is a lost glove. A thousand gloves is a quest.”
(Fernández, S.S., Que le importa al Tigre una Raya Más: The Futility of Good Intentions, 2014, p.140.)