Ricardo Brey
Moon, 2012
"Maybe the most important choice I made in my whole life is to use second-hand materials. I say 'second-hand' because they are broken, like fragments. I think it is a very important theme for myself and in my art. When you think about Duchamp's ready-made, you are thinking about something cleaner, more finished. When I close my eyes, I see my own ready-mades as broken pieces, parts of objects, as fragments, things that have been used before. These objects and materials of ordinary use and banal significance get charged with different associations. It depends on the way you arrange them. That is part of my culture too; it is connected with that part of the world that has to survive by recycling."
(Pirotte, P. Trattenendosi: Embracing the Elephant's Leg. 1999. p. 92)